Feeling the urge to evangelize?

In The book...

Make it happen...

First, the book, then the training, find out how to make it happen.

It's the Holy Spirit nudging you.  Try the following short prayers.  "Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of

your faithful, enkindle in them the fire of Your love and send forth Your Spirit and they shall be created and

you shall renew the face of the earth.  Let us pray, Oh God, who instructed the hearts of the faithful by the

Light of the Holy Spirit, grant in the same Spirit for us to be truly wise and ever to rejoice in His consolation,

through Christ Our Lord, Amen.  St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle, be our protection against

the wickedness and snares of the devil and do thou, Oh heavenly host, by the power of God, cast into Hell

Satan and all the evil spirits who prowl the world seeking the ruin

of souls.  Amen.

Teaching you how to reach out to loved ones who no longer come to church is the focus of this apostolate.  The Pew Research Center found that 76 % of people who call themselves Catholic do not attend Sunday Mass regularly.  Absence from the Sacraments can lead to spiritual death.  What can be one?  This is not a job solely for the clergy or Catholic media.  This is a job for all committed Catholics.  And this website is the gateway for in-the-pew Catholics to learn how to accomplish this important task.  The key is to Evangelize With Mary...

Evangelize With Mary

From MarysPress.com

In The Training...

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